Click on the payments list and identify the payment in your portal that you want to refund
Click on the "Initiate refund" action item
Specify the refund amount. You can make a full or partial payment refund for your customer.
Depending on your permissions, you can select "Approve and complete" to directly approve and create a refund in the system, or "Submit for approval" if you want someone else from the company to approve your refund.
Once the refund bundle was approved, please follow the instructions provided in the bundle details to send funds to Flywire via ACH, EFT, or wire.
Once the refund bundle is completed, you will see it has the "Received" status.
The payer will receive the funds in their originating bank account and currency. The amount refunded will use the foreign exchange rate available on the day our Refunds team processes the funds back to the payer.