On the right-hand side of the screen, select the Import icon to begin the import process. An Import students window will appear. From the Import students window, follow these three steps: Choose file: Select the CSV file template from the IMPORT FILE TEMPLATE dropdown menu and upload the CSV file either by drag and drop or selecting the blue Choose file button. The file will upload quickly.
File check: Once uploaded, check to ensure all records of the CSV file are complete. The platform considers complete records to be healthy and incomplete records to be failed. You will see the number of failed records next to a redX, and the number of healthy records next to a green ✓. If you wish to know which records are incomplete, select Download full report to review which records are incomplete and fix your file before import. Select Next to proceed after you have fixed any failed records in the CSV file and all display as healthy.
Preview: You can preview up to 5 records that will be uploaded into the platform. Select the Import [X] students button to complete the import.
Congratulations! You have successfully imported multiple students into the platform. Their records will now appear listed in the Students section.